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Yes, you will need a passport to travel to Ghana.
Yes, you must get a visa to enter Ghana.
You must apply to the Ghana Embassy in New York, Washington DC or Arkansas.
Processing time is usually between 4 and 6 weeks. There is also an expedited service for a higher fee.
Yellow Fever is the only vaccination required for Ghana.
Proof of vaccination is required on arrival. Unvaccinated travelers are required to present a negative PCR test result taken in the last 48 hours. The wearing of face masks is not required but advised.
You should start malaria prophylaxis 2 weeks before your departure to Ghana.
Though more than 200 languages are spoken in Ghana, English is the official language of Ghana. Of the indigenous languages, Twi is the lingua franca.
In Ghana, we have the 2 seasons (Rainy and Dry). Average Temperature range between 80 – 90 degrees Fahrenheit. During the rainy season (June – September) it is a little cooler. You might want to bring a light jacket or sweater during this time.
Light summer wear is most appropriate. Don’t draw unwanted attention by wearing clothes too short or too revealing. Though very fashionable, Ghanaians can be a bit conservative. Do Bring a few outfits for dressing up. Ghana boasts of many clubs, restaurants, and exciting social events and Ghanaians do dress up!
The cedi is the name for Ghanaian money. When you enter the country, you can exchange your U.S. dollars for cedis. Forex bureaus which change money are abundant. Many places also accept credit cards. VISA is the one mostly widely accepted. Master Card is accepted at fewer places and American Express is least accepted. There are many banks in Ghana and they all have ATM machines which also accept visa. You would receive Ghanaian cedis at the prevailing exchange rate from the ATM machines.
It is very easy to make international calls from Ghana. We suggest you install the WhatsApp or Telegram application on your phone before leaving the U.S. It is the major way that Ghanaians communicate in Ghana and with the rest of the world inexpensively. Another alternative is Facebook messenger.
Tipping in hotels and restaurants is acceptable and expected. Quality of service should dictate what is given.
In Ghana the standard voltage is 230 V and the frequency is 50 Hz. You would need a power plug adapter and voltage converter if your country operates on a different voltage. These are readily available for purchase in Ghana.
There are public and private means of transportation within the country and it is quite easy to find your way to other regions from bus stations.
To travel to neighboring countries, you would have to visit the embassy of the country to intend on visiting for a visa. There are public and private means of transportation to these neighboring countries.

For the most part, Ghanaians are very friendly, hospitable and nice. Unfortunately though, like anywhere else in the world, the country has its share of bad people.
Being Out and Walking at Night

  • It is best to go out with at least one partner especially women.
  • Don’t use unofficial paths and short-cuts.
  • Don’t walk around with big bags and backpacks.
  • Don’t be engaged in conversation by strangers who are offering ‘to show you around’.

Safety at the Beach

  • Don’t be alone on the beach during the weekdays.
  • The Gulf of Guinea has a very strong current. Don’t swim in unauthorized areas. There have been several drownings over the years.

“Professional Friends”

  • “Professional friends” are people who try to win your confidence and take advantage of you and others. You should not be too trusting of strangers.

Public transportation (Tro-tros and taxis)

  • If a fight or argument breaks out at the station or in the vehicle, be alert! Pick- pockets may be on the scene.
  • Be careful not to leave your phone or bag in a taxi or tro-tro. You most likely will never see it again.

ATM Machines

  • Use the same precautions you would anywhere.

High Crime Areas

  • Usually places like Osu and High Street, where there is a high number of expatriates.
  • A money belt is a good option when walking in these areas.
  • If someone does try to snatch your bag, don’t fight them.
  • Armed robbers or thieves have been known to cut you with a cutlass and in few cases threated to shoot in order to get your belongings.
  • If you go to public events like festivals, durbars etc. avoid getting mixed up in a heavy crowd. This is the perfect breeding ground for pick pockets.